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A native of Virginia, Michelle Kidd loves to write stories that bring the heart, beauty, and history of her state to life. In elementary school, she wrote a play that her third-grade teacher graciously allowed her and her classmates to perform before the entire school. Her debut novel was published in 2016, earning her the rank of top 100 kindle books of Amazon in March of 2017. Since then, it has hit number one on multiple occasions in Time Travel Romance, Religious Mystery, Contemporary Romance, and Christian Women’s Fiction. Michelle lives with her husband of 30 years, two gifted sons on the autism spectrum, and two adorable fur babies.


My hero is Jesus.  It never fails to amaze me how He could come to Earth and live a perfect life.  How could he love someone like me?  He, who knew no sin, became sin and died that I might live.  No one else has ever done that for me. It is my hope that His mercy and love are woven throughout all my writing.  






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